Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Posts by Josh Starkey

Preparing for Sunday, 9-20-15

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Hey folks,  hope to see you tomorrow in our worship gathering. We'll study Luke 8:40-56 together - click the link to read the passage and prep for the preaching.  Also, we'll be praying for the Simi Valley Community Pregnancy Clinic tomorrow in service. Here's a video we watched last...

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Tags: music, sunday, sunday morning, worship

Preparing for Sunday, 9/6/15

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Hey folks, as we gather tomorrow in worship, we'll continue our study through the book of Luke together. Click here to read the passage Jordan will preach tomorrow, Luke 8:16-21. This passage is actually 2 smaller sections from the Gospels that are well-known, but often...

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Tags: music, sunday, sunday morning, worship

Counseling Resources Worth Checking Out

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Pastor Tim taught Sunday morning on why our church is passionate about biblical counseling as an avenue of ministry. You can read our "Preparing for Sunday" post here, for a few extra thoughts on the significance of our counseling ministry. I've asked Tim and Sue Howard and Jordan for a...

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Tags: biblical counseling, book recommendations, sunday recap

Preparing for Sunday, 6/28/15!

Posted by Josh Starkey on

There are 2 significant things about tomorrow that you should prepare for. First, Tim Howard will continue our summer "Engaging Grace" series, teaching on Biblical counseling, and why our church is passionate about this avenue of ministry. Tim and Sue lead this counseling ministry at...

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Tags: communion, engaging grace, music, summer series, sunday, sunday morning, worship

Preparing for Sunday, 5/17/15

Posted by Josh Starkey on

We'll be in the last two sections of Luke 6 this Sunday, verses 43-49. As we continue our journey through the sermon on the mount, we'll think through Christ's words about the kind of fruit we bear, and about whether we build our lives on rock or sand, all as evidence of our...

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Tags: music, sunday, sunday morning, sunday worship

Preparing for a Communion Sunday, 4/26/15

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Tomorrow will be a Communion Sunday for us. As we do this month after month, like me you might need to be reminded again why taking communion together as a church family is so important. Because we need to be brought back again and again to Christ's saving work, and all that it's done for...

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Tags: communion, music, sunday, sunday morning, worship

Preparing for Sunday: Easter Worship 2015

Posted by Josh Starkey on

We had a great time last night, worshiping together on Good Friday. We reflected on Christ being crushed and killed as our sacrificial Lamb, as God "made Him who knew no sin, to be sin for us" on the cross. But Good Friday is only part of the complete Easter story. Tomorrow, on Easter...

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Tags: easter, music, sunday, sunday morning, worship

Sunday Recap - Church Membership (Part 1)

Posted by Josh Starkey on

If you were with us in first service on Sunday, we welcomed six new members into our church family. It's always encouraging when we get to do this as a part of our gathered worship, as new folks commit to family life with this local body of Christ, and as the already-established members get...

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Tags: church membership, sunday, sunday morning, sunday recap, worship

Preparing for Sunday, 3/1/15!

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Hey folks, hope we'll see you tomorrow. We have a great morning planned. Jordan will continue Luke, preaching on Luke 5:33-39, a sermon entitled "When New Surpasses Old." We'll also have a baptism 1st service, of James Edwards. For those who will worship with us then, it'll be an extra...

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Tags: music, sunday, sunday morning, worship

Preparing for Communion Sunday, 2/22/15!

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Tomorrow morning is a Communion Sunday. If you're newer to our church family, we come to the Lord's table, and observe Communion the last Sunday of every month throughout the year. So why do we do this together? Rick Holland has a really helpful thought on it, that also sums up why we do what we...

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Tags: communion, music, sunday, sunday morning, worship
