Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Preparing for Sunday, 5/17/15

Posted by Josh Starkey on

We'll be in the last two sections of Luke 6 this Sunday, verses 43-49. As we continue our journey through the sermon on the mount, we'll think through Christ's words about the kind of fruit we bear, and about whether we build our lives on rock or sand, all as evidence of our...

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Tags: music, sunday, sunday morning, sunday worship

Preparing for Sunday, 8/10/14

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Instead of the usual rundown of Sunday mornings, I thought I'd give a couple of the reasons why we do these "Preparing for Sunday" posts. I hope this is helpful in encouraging you to read these when we're able to get them up on the blog, and that they encourage and help you to prepare your...

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Tags: sunday morning, sunday, sunday worship, music