Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Counseling Resources Worth Checking Out

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Pastor Tim taught Sunday morning on why our church is passionate about biblical counseling as an avenue of ministry. You can read our "Preparing for Sunday" post here, for a few extra thoughts on the significance of our counseling ministry. I've asked Tim and Sue Howard and Jordan for a...

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Tags: biblical counseling, book recommendations, sunday recap

Sunday Recap - Church Membership (Part 1)

Posted by Josh Starkey on

If you were with us in first service on Sunday, we welcomed six new members into our church family. It's always encouraging when we get to do this as a part of our gathered worship, as new folks commit to family life with this local body of Christ, and as the already-established members get...

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Tags: church membership, sunday, sunday morning, sunday recap, worship

Sunday Recap from 6/1/14!

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Hope you had the chance to be with us yesterday morning. Whether you were in the gathering, or you had to miss, here's a short recap of all that went on. Sometimes it's good to look back to Sunday morning and remember what we studied, heard preached, sang about, and prayed about, to keep us...

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Tags: sunday, sunday morning, sunday recap, worship, music

Sunday Recap from 1/26/14

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Sunday recap: yesterday we took communion together in service, which, if you were there with us, was a great time of worship. We do this monthly, in obedience to God, to remember and recommit our lives in worship to Christ, who stood in our place, and bore all the wrath of God for us on the...

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Tags: sunday, sunday morning, sunday recap, worship, music