Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Sunday Recap from 6/1/14!

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Hope you had the chance to be with us yesterday morning. Whether you were in the gathering, or you had to miss, here's a short recap of all that went on. Sometimes it's good to look back to Sunday morning and remember what we studied, heard preached, sang about, and prayed about, to keep us worshiping through our busy week.

All this to say, Sunday was an extra busy morning in itself!

We sang the following songs yesterday:
1. All Creatures of Our God and King

2. How Deep the Father's Love for Us

3. Before the Throne of God Above

4. Cannons

5. Take My Life and Let it Be


In addition, we heard from our brother Dick Clark, about the Gideons ministry he is a part of. It's great to hear, as Jordan says, "little 't'" testimonies of how God is showing His faithfulness, and avenues in which He's working in and through the lives of our church members. Dick is a faithful man, who diligently works with the Gideons to put the Scripture in people's hands at home and abroad.

Also, John McIntosh had a chance to share in the gathering, about some changes coming up for him, as he takes the opportunity to be an interim preacher for a church up North, as they continue their search for a full-time senior pastor. Pray for John and Carolyn as they share wisdom, and shepherding experience with another church family. It's really a blessed opportunity for them to do this.

Jordan preached yesterday on Joshua 23, a sermon entitled "Leadership Resolved" (listen here if you missed it!) Basically, in this chapter Joshua give his charge to the younger leaders of Israel, as he is "old and advanced in years." Great wisdom here, about loving God, obeying Him, and continuing in faithfulness to our calling as His people. Jordan said the following:

 "Church planting comes at a cost, but sustaining a faithful church that passes generations is truly challenging. Joshua understood this. He knew that perseverance was not simply imperative to our life in God (see the parable of the sower in Mark 4:5, 16-17), but also in leadership. We have said a phrase here that “success without a successor is failure”, so our goal is not simply to build something for now but something that will be found faithful decade after decade."

Hope we all get a chance to keep meditating on these things throughout our week, and show up next Sunday ready to sing, and hear God's word preached, with great joy in our salvation.

Tags: sunday, sunday morning, sunday recap, worship, music

