Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Sunday Recap from 1/26/14

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Sunday recap: yesterday we took communion together in service, which, if you were there with us, was a great time of worship. We do this monthly, in obedience to God, to remember and recommit our lives in worship to Christ, who stood in our place, and bore all the wrath of God for us on the cross.

All in all, it was a very fun Sunday gathering with our church family, with communion, singing, preaching, and equipping classes. Jordan preached on Joshua 1:7-18, entitled "The Worst Kept Secret of Success." Go here to listen or read if you missed it.

After our offering, we learned a new song together, called "Man of Sorrows" by our Australian friends at Hillsong. We'll sing it again as a church very soon, so give it a listen below, or go here to buy the track on iTunes. Let's get this one down, so we're ready to keep singing it well in our rotation of songs.

Have a great week, and Lord-willing, we'll see you this next Sunday!

Tags: sunday, sunday morning, sunday recap, worship, music

