Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Counseling Resources Worth Checking Out

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Pastor Tim taught Sunday morning on why our church is passionate about biblical counseling as an avenue of ministry. You can read our "Preparing for Sunday" post here, for a few extra thoughts on the significance of our counseling ministry.

I've asked Tim and Sue Howard and Jordan for a couple of suggestions of good counseling resources that are worth checking out. There are many more, but these have some especially great stuff. Since biblical counseling is a fancy-ish term for the practical applying of Scripture to one another's lives, these books will most-likely be very helpful for you to pick up and use for your own walk with Christ, and as resources as you may be called to counsel others with God's Word. 

1. Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands

When I asked Tim and Sue about counseling resource recommendations, this was their immediate first choice. It's become the classic on our calling to counsel one another in the church, and how to do it well.

2. Counseling the Hard Cases 

This is a new book published in January of this year. Its chapters are divided by counseling scenarios, all of which are difficult, but very common counseling situations. The topics range from sexual sin, to bipolar disorder, to postpartum depression. Heath Lambert (co author) is the Executive Director of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (or "ACBC"), and is a great guy to read.

3. Finally Free

Also by Heath Lambert, Finally Free is being extolled as the best book yet on the fight for sexual purity, and the fight against pornography addiction. It's fairly small and really readable. Because sexual purity is a such a common struggle for so many, this book may be a huge inlet for God's grace in your life.

And as you may know already, Tim and Sue Howard together are a wealth of wisdom and have read just about everything on counseling that's out there today. They'd love to chat with you if you have questions about book recommendations, or counseling issues.

Hope this is helpful to you! Soli Deo Gloria.

Tags: biblical counseling, book recommendations, sunday recap

