Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Posts by Josh Starkey

Prepare for Sunday, 11/10/13!

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Hey folks, today will be Jordan's PART 2 of last week, on a man's calling to be a leader. This preaching series has been super helpful, and super timely as we strive to live as worshipers of God, engaged in our culture. Hope you'll plan on being there. We'll read Philippians 3:12-4:1 in service...

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Tags: sunday, sunday morning, worship, music

Prepare for Sunday, 11/3/13!

Posted by Josh Starkey on

John Piper has said that we need to be purposeful and intentional at least the day before we gather as a church. Our world is so filled with distractions and our own sin natures are so derailing that we'll gather and not benefit like we should. We need to make sure we prepare to meet for worship...

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Tags: church, corporate worship, music

Prepare for Sunday, 10/20/13

Posted by Josh Starkey on

  Hey everybody, Hope you're planning on meeting with us tomorrow morning. Jordan begins a new sermon series on biblical manhood and womanhood, which will be super helpful, and is a topical series he's been preparing to do for a while. We had a men's breakfast at church this morning where...

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Tags: sunday, sunday morning, worship, music

Prepare for Sunday, 10/13/13

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Well folks, one of my favorite parts of my job is writing these posts looking ahead to Sunday morning, and writing about what'll happen in our gathering. I hope you have the chance to think ahead this weekend for Sunday morning. We want to make sure we come on Sunday morning ready to...

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Tags: sunday morning, worship, church, music

Preparing for Sunday, 9/29/13 (Communion)

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Happy Autumn, folks. Hope you're planning on being with us tomorrow morning at Grace. We have a good setup of songs ready to sing together, and we'll be taking communion together in service too, so you don't want to miss. Taking communion together is a command from Christ to be obedient to, and...

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Preparing for Sunday, 9/15/13

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Hey everybody! It's been a little while since the last "Prep for Sunday" post. Hope you're planning on gathering with us tomorrow morning, as dive into the Gospel through singing, preaching, prayer, and fellowship. It's of utmost importance for us to meet as Christians, to remind one another by...

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Remarkable and Haunting Beauty

Posted by Josh Starkey on

  "While there is a kind of beauty in a carefully-honed studio recording, there is another kind of beauty - an often remarkable and haunting beauty - in the sound of a congregation of mostly unmusical people singing together."   John D. Witvliet

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Repeating A New Song This Week

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Hey guys, Last week we introduced a new song for congregational singing, and we'll repeat it this week to reinforce it. Hopefully it'll seem very familiar after this week. We're also adding the bridge this week, so make sure you give it a couple listens. The bridge starts at 2:38 in the YouTube...

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Preparing for Sunday, 7/21/13, AM and PM

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Hey everyone, keep in mind that we do have RENEW this Sunday night, so carve out the time. This is a hugely important, special time for our church during the Summer months, to hear from some solid outside speakers, a chance to sing together out of the normal Sunday morning gatherings, and to...

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Be regular, practicing members of a church!

Posted by Josh Starkey on

"[T]he New Testament does not envisage solitary religion: some kind of regular assembly for worship and instruction is everywhere taken for granted in the Epistles. So we must be regular practicing members of the Church.  C.S. Lewis

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