Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Sunday Recap from 3/23/14

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Hey folks, here's a quick recap from our Sunday gathering yesterday, in case you missed part of it or want to keep thinking through the things we thought and sang about together.


First of all, we did introduce a new song as part of our Good Friday and Easter repertoire, called "Your Love So High. Click here to listen on YouTube, or just watch the embedded version below. This song reminds us of the love of Christ, for God the Father and for His church, that carried Him to Calvary and to the cross. The song helps us remember that the love of Christ is "sure, stronger than the mountains," and that we are loved by God completely, if we are in Christ. God proved this by not even sparing His Son to pay for our sins and bring us to Himself. 

Here's yesterday's whole song set: 

1. Eternal Praise

2. Our God

3. My Hope Is Built

4. Your Love So High

5. Behold Our God



Jordan preached on Joshua 8, which we also read aloud in service. Jordan drew out the point that in Joshua 8, we see the same God, providentially causing victory in battle as He did in Jericho, but here choosing to use ordinary military strategy in place of miraculous events like walls falling down at the sounding of trumpets, etc. And do we trust and obey God in the routines? Do we work diligently, putting effort into our obedience, when God decides not to work through miracles but through the ordinary? Do we walk with God, and are we confident He is close to us without the "miraculous?" Head here to listen to, or read yesterday's sermon.

Tags: sunday, sunday morning, worship, music

