Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Repeating A New Song This Week

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Hey guys,

Last week we introduced a new song for congregational singing, and we'll repeat it this week to reinforce it. Hopefully it'll seem very familiar after this week. We're also adding the bridge this week, so make sure you give it a couple listens. The bridge starts at 2:38 in the YouTube video below.

This song is a reworking of the classic hymn "How Firm A Foundation," which I love as well. This particular reworking gives us the verses almost exactly like the original with a few small tweaks, but it also gives us a great chorus to sing, that drives home the theme of the song, that our foundation in Jesus' blood, and the security of our salvation that Jesus purchased for us with His blood, is all held and kept for us by God, who gave His Son to save us. 1 Peter says that in and through Jesus we have an inheritance of eternal life and joy that is "imperishable, undefiled, and unfading." This song gives us an opportunity to enjoy in and through His Son and the Gospel.

The words are right there in the YouTube video as well. Check it out, and we'll see you tomorrow morning, and hopefully tomorrow night for our last night of our RENEW series this year! Scott Nandor will be speaking, and dinner will be provided on the lawn at 5:00.

