Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Preparing for Sunday, 7/21/13, AM and PM

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Hey everyone, keep in mind that we do have RENEW this Sunday night, so carve out the time. This is a hugely important, special time for our church during the Summer months, to hear from some solid outside speakers, a chance to sing together out of the normal Sunday morning gatherings, and to share fellowship and food with each other. Let's make our best effort to be there together, and to invest in relationships. This week is a bring your own picnic dinner, which starts at 5:00 PM. We'll start our session with singing together at 6:00. Hope to see you there!

Also, Sunday morning, Danny will preach on Proverbs 3:1-12. This'll be a great opportunity for us to break up our study through 1 Corinthians by looking at a different book, and how God speaks to us about Himself in a different context, through a different writer of Scripture. As an aside, I'm also super excited to look at Proverbs together because two Summers ago I read this book by Dan Phillips, that Danny also used as a study resource for his sermon tomorrow. It was excellent, and really opened up Proverbs to me as a treasure trove for knowing God and His will for our lives. Try to read the passage before tomorrow to think ahead and be prepared for God to work on our hearts as we hear the Scripture preached.

Here are the songs we'll sing tomorrow morning, and tomorrow night at RENEW.

1. Your Grace Is Enough
2. Before The Throne Of God Above (with a new chorus - give it a few listens to get it down!)
3. Never Once (new song we introduced a few weeks ago, that we're keeping in the rotation)
4. 10,000 Reasons

1. 10,000 Reasons
2. My Hope Is Built
3. Chorus of Nothing But The Blood

