Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Preparing for Sunday, 5/4/14!

Posted by Josh Starkey on

We hope you'll be joining us for tomorrow morning's worship gathering. Jordan is back from his trip overseas, and will be bringing a sermon topic inspired by his time away. He'll be preaching primarily from Revelation 5, talking about evangelism within the context of the nations worshiping God as His people. Which is the picture we see in Revelation 5. Jordan will talk about how evangelism is much bigger than just getting our local neighbors converted, but also connects to worship, and the worship of the gathered nations around God's throne.

Along with this, songs we'll sing include:

1. Open the Eyes of My Heart

A call to worship, helping us recognize our need for God to renew our affections for Him and for the Gospel. God is glorious and holy, Christ is worthy of our praise, but we need God to help us see this, and turn our hearts to worship Him.

2. Awesome is the Lord Most High

This tune brings together the concepts of praising God, and our witness to the nations. The song says, in response to God's glory and power, "Where You send us, God, we will go/You're the answer we want the world to know." Knowing God through the power of His saving Gospel, is the answer to all the darkness of a broken world. Christ is the only Savior from sin and all its effects, and of course we want the world to know this good news.

3. Come Thou Fount

This hymn is a church favorite, and for good reason. It continues more of the theme of our first song, asking God to "tune our hearts" to sing His praise. Which, to worship God the right way, with our lips and with our lives, we need God to "tune us" and align our hearts rightly to do it. The songs says, "Teach me some melodious sonnet, sung by flaming tongues above," which is a plea to God to teach us to praise him along with the angels, like we see in that Revelation 5 passage (who praise Him now in Heaven, before His throne, in His presence).

4. The Victory

This was a song we included as a short special music piece on Easter morning - we'll continue to learn it together for corporate singing. The song proclaims Christ as the perfect sacrifice God provided for our sin, and the victory over sin and death that God accomplished not only through the death of His Son, but also in His risen, resurrected life. All of this is substituted to us through faith in Christ. His victory is a glorious and necessary thing for us to celebrate together when we gather as His church.

So we hope to see you tomorrow. 9:00 AM worship gathering, 10:45 AM equipping class hour. Thanks guys!

Tags: sunday, sunday morning, worship, music

