Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Preparing for Sunday, 5/26/13

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Hey guys,
as we're thinking about church tomorrow, here are a few things to (hopefully) help our hearts and minds get into the right frame, so we're ready to make the most of the time together!

1. We have communion in service tomorrow, as we do almost every month on the last Sunday. As Jordan always reminds us, we are warned in Scripture not to eat the bread or drink the cup of communion if we have unconfessed sin in our life, or if we have a problem with a brother in the Church. May we examine our hearts in preparation, and benefit hugely from our time together as we celebrate and reflect and remind ourselves of Christ's blood that was shed for us.

Here's a quote to reflect on also, as we do our best to prepare to take communion tomorrow, and celebrate the glories of our Savior and our salvation:

“The blood of Christ gives us a home. The blood of Christ becomes the flag and color under which we stand. The blood of Christ takes those who were once strangers and makes them family. As the Bible says, we are ‘no longer strangers and aliens, but…fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God (Eph. 2:19). Simply put, the blood of Christ brings us near to God.” 
Anthony Carter, from Blood Work

2. Jordan will preach on 1 Corinthians 13:4-5, on Christian love, especially within the context of the life of the Church. Read the passage ahead of time if you can, and be ready to think and worship along with Jordan as he preaches.

3. Here's our song set - give the following tracks a listen ahead of time if anything looks unfamiliar, and prepare your voice to sing loud and well tomorrow! We need all our voices contributing to the one unified voice of the church, singing God's praises tomorrow.

Blessed Be Your Name

God Of Wonders

It Is Well With My Soul

Jesus Paid It All

