Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Preparing for Sunday, 2/17/13!

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Hey everybody!
You can prep for our Sunday morning gathering by doing the following:

  1. Read and meditate on the preaching passage, 1 Corinthians 10:1-13, either in your Bible or here. Read through the passage a few times, and try to really get into what God is revealing about Himself, and about us in the passage. This will make your time all the more rich as we hear Jordan preach tomorrow. Be an active listener!
  2. Look through the list of songs, and give the links a visit to familiarize yourself with what we'll sing tomorrow. Be ready to add a warmed-up voice to the gathered congregation of believers! Here's the list:  
  3. Come ready to serve, love the brethren, lend your voice to the singing, and build up the Body of Christ. Don't come to be served and entertained, but TO serve and take an active part in the gathered worship of God's people. This is what God calls us to do - every believer is crucial to the gathering, which is never a "show" or means of entertaining people. It's an active, communal gathering of the people of God, that he bought with the blood of His Son.
Hope you'll be there with us tomorrow!

