Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Preparing for Sunday, 2/16/14!

Posted by Josh Starkey on

First of all, you can pray for our college students, gone at Winter retreat this weekend. Pray that they have a great time refocusing and refreshing spiritually (probably not physically since one normally stays up late on a college group retreat). Also pray for Steve Barshaw and Marlon Lindo, who are both giving Marshall a break by carrying the teaching load. Should be a great time for our college group folks.

Jordan will preach this Sunday on Joshua 4, a sermon entitled "Never Forget." We'll look at the need to remember God's actions for His people in the past, and consider the ways God has equipped us today to remember and always stay close to Christ. We need to always be remembering and refreshing, because our tendency is to find our satisfaction in things other than God; as John Calvin said, "Every one of us is, even from his mother’s womb, a master craftsman of idols."

Here are the songs we'll sing this Sunday morning:

1. Happy Day

We'll open with this song, that declares the supremacy of Christ's death and resurrection, and victory over sin. This truly was the "greatest day in history," and is what we should be singing about and celebrating every Sunday. 

2. Sola

We introduced this one back in November. It's a call to worship, and will be our response to the truths in "Happy Day." This song talks about how Jesus, our King, leads us in worship. We always look to His Spirit to stir our hearts in fresh ways, to adore Him above anything else.

3. Christ Is Risen

I'll be talking about this song a little bit in the service. We often forget about the importance of Christ's resurrection in our singing, which is why I'm so thankful some great newer songs have been written the past couple years that refocus on this part of the Gospel. Christ's resurrected life is substituted to us, along with the payment He made for our sin - the death for sin and the new life are both ours in Jesus!

4. Never Once

To get us into the mindset of remembering in Joshua 4, we'll sing Never Once and recall how God has always been faithful to us individually in our trials. Even, and especially, when things don't work out like we hoped or expected, God is 100% at work on our hearts, and is building up His church.

5. It Is Well 

This will be the perfect way to end the set of singing, with the truth that no matter what befalls us, God always has us perfectly within His good purposes and protection. It will always be well with our soul if we are God's, in and through Jesus.

Tags: sunday, sunday morning, worship, music

