Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Preparing for Sunday, 1/4/15!

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Happy new year folks! Hope to see you tomorrow morning. We're taking a break from our regularly scheduled preaching series in the book of Luke, to spend some time casting vision and refreshing our goals for our church family in 2015. Very important for all of us to be there, to worship and hear these same things together. 

And as a reminder, we're moving to 2 services on Sunday morning next week, on 1/11. Our new service times will be 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM. Be praying for God to use this little expansion in what we do with our Sunday gatherings, to grow in Christlikeness and effectiveness in our mission as a church; to equip, shepherd, and send from our local expression of the body of Christ.

Tomorrow we'll sing the following songs - several favorites of our church family. Seems appropriate to sing the favorites on the first Sunday gathering of the new year! 

1. Famous One

2. This is Amazing Grace

3. Cannons

4. Amazing Grace (the hymn)

4. Man of Sorrows

Tags: sunday, sunday morning, worship, music

