Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Preparing for Sunday, 10/5/14

Posted by Josh Starkey on

"Those who call upon [Christ's] name for salvation express their desire to belong to him and share his life. [B]aptism into Christ means being 'baptized into his death' or united with Christ in his death and resurrection (Romans 6:3-4)." 

David Peterson

Tomorrow we'll have a few baptisms in service, of folks in our church family who have confessed saving faith in Jesus, and want to publicly proclaim their union with Christ in the Gospel. Baptism does this - we declare to the rest of the church and all those present in the gathering that we've been united with Christ in his death (going under the water), and in his resurrected life (raising from the water). We celebrate baptism as a visual symbol of an inward reality of being saved, and raised from our sin and spiritual death with Christ. It's good to remind ourselves of why we do this, and why it's important for all of us to be there, and celebrate baptisms together as a church. It's a joyful thing to be a part of, as God has added these believers to the number of his family. Hope you'll make it tomorrow - our baptisms will be after the first round of singing together.

In addition, we'll sing the following songs:

1. This is Amazing Grace

2. 10,000 Reasons

3. Glory Awaits (YouTube video of this tune is embedded below. We introduced this as a new song a few weeks ago, so give it a few listens to prepare to sing this one loud and well together tomorrow!)

4. All I Have is Christ


Tags: sunday, sunday morning, worship, music

