Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Prepare for Sunday, 11/24/13!

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Hope you're planning on gathering with us tomorrow morning! Jordan's out of town, and Marshall Walter will be preaching from James 1. Give the passage a read ahead of time.

Since we'll be in James 1, talking about how God perfects and completes his people through the trials he ordains for them, we'll sing our way into this theme too. Here's our song list for tomorrow. Very excited to sing through these together tomorrow.

1. Our God

We'll start the whole morning off with the reminder that the God who has redeemed from our sin to be his people, is a God who will never let us be snatched from his hand. If God is for us in the salvation and eternal life he gives us in Christ, nothing can take us away from him.

2. Sola

We introduced this a few weeks ago. This song calls us to remember who we are as God's people, born again through Christ alone. 

3. Nothing But The Blood

A great hymn that exults in the blood of Christ that he shed for us. Christ's blood accomplishes all our righteousness, and our peace with God. God is always for his people because we were washed by the blood of Jesus shed in our place.

4. Blessed Be Your Name

As we study through James 1 tomorrow, we'll sing in worship to God who always carries us through trials, and promises to never leave or forsake us. He gives, and he takes away, and we say "blessed be God" who is always good and always means to give us more of himself. And he often uses our trials to do this.

5. 10,000 Reasons

This song will be our response after preaching tomorrow. In the midst of the inconsistencies of life, God remains true, and will always accomplish his good purposes. And as his people, we're part of the great story of redemption God is tell. He'll set everything right, and finally free us from our sin. Knowing God, we have 10,000 reasons to sing to him as the song says, which is an understatement.

Hope you'll be there to worship with us in the morning! See ya' then.

Tags: sunday, sunday morning, worship, music

