Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Prepare for Sunday, 11/10/13!

Posted by Josh Starkey on

Hey folks, today will be Jordan's PART 2 of last week, on a man's calling to be a leader. This preaching series has been super helpful, and super timely as we strive to live as worshipers of God, engaged in our culture. Hope you'll plan on being there. We'll read Philippians 3:12-4:1 in service tomorrow, which will compliment other passages preached in the sermon. Try to read the passage ahead of time as we prepare to engage with God's Word together.

We'll sing the following songs tomorrow:

1. Open The Eyes Of My Heart

2. The Glories Of Calvary

3. Sola

"Sola" is a new one we introduced last week. It's a call to worship, reminding us of who we are as God's people, and what God has done through the Gospel to save us and make us His. This is hugely important for us to clearly remember each week as we gather for worship, because it all affects WHY we gather. We have been saved by God's grace, through faith that he gives us to believe in Jesus. And as the song says, we need God to "lead us now, O King, in the worship of your name." And we know that God has given his Son, to always be our worship leader and intercessor before God. Christ always stands as our substitute and advocate, who makes our worship acceptable to the Father. So with this song we remember that we always look to Jesus, who makes us right with God. Our lives are lives of acceptable worship to God positionally, because Jesus is there for us at God's right hand. And we can obey God with our lives now in freedom, because God already fully loves us in and through Christ. This is glorious news!

4. The Wonderful Cross

5. All I Have Is Christ


See you guys tomorrow!

Tags: sunday, sunday morning, worship, music

