Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Prepare for Sunday, 10/20/13

Posted by Josh Starkey on


Hey everybody,

Hope you're planning on meeting with us tomorrow morning. Jordan begins a new sermon series on biblical manhood and womanhood, which will be super helpful, and is a topical series he's been preparing to do for a while. We had a men's breakfast at church this morning where Jordan taught on 2 Samuel 11 and Psalm 51, and David's process of sexual sin and redemption/repentance. This time was set as the beginning of what will be the preaching series over six Sunday mornings, about how to be fully engaged in our roles as men and women, and be better worshipers as a result. Lord-willing it'll help equip us to continue to engage our culture, and live in the midst of it as a city set on a hill, and as lights in the darkness. Make sure you don't miss out on this series.

I'm reminded this week, and after our men's breakfast, that gathering to worship together as a local church family is really a declaration of war. When we gather to sing, listen to preaching, pray, give, we're declaring that these things, and our King who commands them, are more valuable to us than what our sin and a sinful world can offer. By doing this, we help each other run the race with endurance as Hebrews 12 talks about, and look together to Jesus who is the author and perfecter of our faith FOR the endurance to persevere.

Tomorrow we have a good lineup of songs ready to sing together. Here they are - give them a listen and make sure you're prepped to sing loud and well with us!

1. Holy, Holy, Holy

2. Jesus, Firm Foundation (new(er) song for our church)

3. Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken (I'll be talking about this song briefly before we sing it)

4. Nothing But The Blood

Tags: sunday, sunday morning, worship, music

