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Posts by Jordan Bakker

The True Image of a Godly Woman

Posted by Jordan Bakker on

What someone sees when they look in the mirror is very telling.  I get to work out at a local gym in town (although I don’t do it nearly enough) and am struck by the fact that the rooms are filled with mirrors, which is likely to make the room feel larger than its actual size, but it...

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Tags: biblical womanhood, women, woman, sunday morning, series

The Role of Leading Man

Posted by Jordan Bakker on

One of my favorite quotes on leadership comes from the movie “The American President” where Michael J. Fox’s character gives an impassioned call to his friend and the current president to lead (NOTE: I do not endorse the politics of the movie, nor the movie itself, nor Michal...

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Tags: manhood, blog, jordan bakker, sunday mornings

The Godly Man’s Calling

Posted by Jordan Bakker on

Calling men to “do something” is not difficult. We are built and geared to be doers, to get it done, to make it happen. Men like action, activity, and would rather do it than talk about it. In fact, one of the first questions a man will ask another man is, “What do you...

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Tags: sunday mornings, men, jordan bakker, biblical manhood, series

The Character of a Godly Man

Posted by Jordan Bakker on

What does it take to be a real man? Does it take physical strength, athleticism, power, money, a certain type of personality, ruggedness, ability to fit into skinny jeans, or simply being interesting? We will spend the next few weeks looking at the character, calling, and conviction of a man to...

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Tags: manhood, blog, jordan bakker, sunday mornings

Reflections on 1 Corinthians

Posted by Jordan Bakker on

Looking back at the gospel’s power in our lives

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Tags: 1 corinthians, jordan bakker, series, wrap up

Sunday Recap: How Do I Give Joyfully?

Posted by Jordan Bakker on

How Do I Give Joyfully? 1 Corinthians 16:1-4; 2 Corinthians 8-9   There is no way around it.  Giving is tough.  Parting with hard earned money that could easily be used for tangible and desirous items, investments, or other ventures is not easy.  However, there is no way...

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Tags: sunday, jordan bakker, i corinthians, giving, joy, ii corinthians

Resurrection Reverberation: Jumping on the Bandwagon (1 Corinthians 15:50-58)

Posted by Jordan Bakker on

Resurrection Reverberation: Jumping on the Bandwagon 1 Corinthians 15:50-58   Would life be different for you today if you knew the future was assured?  If you knew your retirement income were fixed, you could live a healthy life until late into your 80’s or 90’s, and...

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Tags: sunday, jordan bakker, i corinthians, resurrection, bandwagon, victory

Resurrection Reverberation: The Ultimate Upgrade (1 Corinthians 15:35-49)

Posted by Jordan Bakker on

Resurrection Reverberation: The Ultimate Upgrade 1 Corinthians 15:35-49   Does our belief in the resurrection matter?  Does it affect our worship, view of God, and life today?  The church at Corinth had a neutral to negative view of a future bodily resurrection, so they were...

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Tags: sunday, jordan bakker, i corinthians, resurrection, continuity, contrasts, comparison