Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

When we are found wanting.

by Jordan Bakker on April 27, 2016

The following is excerpted and adapted from a sermon by Pastor Jordan, called "Defining Discipleship." You can listen to the whole sermon or read the text here.

When we are found wanting...

...it is actually good news because we can then go back to the Good News. We pray that God would continue to change our heart, to keep it soft toward Him. We reaffirm our desire to walk by the Spirit, to yield our life to Him, to cut out the activities that lead us down a path to sin (which may be different for us than others), and engage in activities that build us up in Him. We remember that we were bought with a price and saved by works - not our works, but the work of Jesus on the cross alone. We rely on Him to work in and through us to produce the fruit that brings Him glory, both in our action and attitudes.

This is the distinguishing mark of a disciple: that we would reaffirm our desire for Jesus in our times of need, and count these times as occasions to repent and prize Him above everything else."

Tags: discipleship, gospel, repentance, church life, practical theology


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