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The Yzbick Family

July 01, 2024

It has been such a privilege to serve in central Poland for the past 11 years. The goal was to make disciples that would then make disciples. We knew that God had led us to Poland, but we had no idea where to begin. The language seemed impossible and the social climate seemed cold, but God had a plan. Slowly, the Lord would lead us to many people who truly desired to follow Jesus and grow as His disciples. The road was not easy and there were many setbacks along the way. There were many times when we just wanted to give up, but God in his mercy and grace, confirmed that it was not our time to leave.
After several years, a small house church was formed, and we were devoted to studying the Word, making disciples, and praying for the lost. A few years later, our small church grew and we began meeting at a local preschool. We have seen God's hand of provision all along the way. Just a couple years ago our little church became recognized in the eyes of the state as a legitimate church and gained the benefits and credibility that come with that. Polish leaders have been installed and the church is still committed to making disciples and reaching the lost. It was at this point that the Lord confirmed that it was our time to leave the church in the capable hands of the local leadership.

At the end of May, we packed up all our things and made the journey back to the States. Our plan is to remain in California for an entire school year to help provide some stability for our two boys. While in the States we hope to rest as a family and also invest in relationships within our community. The boys have never lived in the United States, so please pray for them as they adjust and try to form friendships. During this time we are also seeking the Lord and His direction. We don't know what the future holds but we trust that he will make it clear as we seek him. For the time being, we are staying with Encompass, and we hope to continue. Vance and I still feel called to make disciples where Christ is not named. Please join us in prayer as we seek God's direction. Additionally, please pray for the Lord's financial provision. As you well know, Los Angeles is an expensive place to be, but we are confident that this is where he would have us for this year.

We are so grateful for the Grace church community. We have been blessed by your hospitality, generosity, and care. We have truly felt welcomed and loved. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.

The Yzbicks 


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