Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

The Common Mission of Every Believer

by Jordan Bakker on August 24, 2016

We've been given a charge by Jesus Christ to make disciples of all nations, teaching and baptizing them (Matthew 28:18-20), calling people to repentance and forgiveness (Luke 24:46-48), and proclaiming the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 3:16). This takes place not only locally, but we understand that God has a passion for all the nations, which include people groups all over the world (Revelation 15:4, 21:24). We believe that each person who is part of this church has been given the right and responsibility to intentionally make disciples, and we are committed to sending people out to unreached people groups throughout the world.

This is our relentless pursuit. There is no dichotomy between being the church and lovingly reaching the lost. Any dichotomy seen is one of our own invention, not God’s. Being a healthy church means we will inherently seek to love the people of this lost world by declaring the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

 The preceeding is excerpted and adapted from a sermon by Pastor Jordan, called "Real Knowledge in Confusing Times" from a preaching series called Engaging Grace. You can listen to this message or read the text here.

Tags: church life, gospel, missions, practical theology


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