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Sunday Recap - June 8, 2020

by Jordan Bakker on June 08, 2020

Dear Grace Family,

“Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours.  Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, and you are exalted as head above all.” (1 Chronicles 29:11)

These words were penned by King David as he prepared his son, Solomon, to take over the throne.  David had set in his heart to build a Temple that equaled the glory of the God he served, but was not allowed to do it, since he was a man of war.  God had declared that Solomon would build it, and be a man of peace.  Instead of sulking, David prepared all the materials, the people, and the plans to set his son up for success, and prayed that God would receive the glory for it all.  

It was a bit of this mixture of gladness, preparation, yet disappointment that we began our meeting process this past Sunday.  Elders, staff, and re-opening committee met in the Sycamore Center to sing together (oh how we missed the sweetness of corporate singing), pray, read scripture, and plan for the weeks ahead.  It was refreshing and incomplete, exhilarating yet lacking.  We were missing the entire body, and that lacking was palpable.  

This Sunday we will be joined by our Shepherding group leaders (who will get an email soon) to prepare us for our goal of opening up June 21, Father’s Day.  Now, as I say that, I will immediately temper this with the fact that many details need to be worked out, and things could change.  We have a limit of people per service set at 100, which means we have to be creative about seating, entering, and leaving the building.  But we are getting closer.  Please pray that this path forward will be clear and attainable, and that we have an opportunity to see everyone soon. 

 We looked at 1 Timothy 5:3-8 this past Sunday, and particularly about caring for true widows in the church.  Not only was it a good reminder of the fact that godliness is shown in the home by taking care of our own family (despite the challenges) and in the church by caring for those in need within our membership.  It was also a good reminder that we are committed to walking through Scripture in a systematic way, which means we are forced to think through and cover areas that we would not otherwise notice.  

 In Him,

Pastor Jordan Bakker

Tags: blog, 2020, jordan bakker, sunday recap, church at home


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