Happy Monday-after-Easter! Thanks for joining us for worship yesterday, it was a great morning together. We've had quite a few questions about song titles, etc., from the last couple of Sundays, so we're rolling Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday recaps into one blog post, so you can get all song info, preaching passages, etc.
Palm Sunday, 4-9-17, Pastor Jordan preached on Luke 22:66-23:49, "The King's Triumphant Death." You can listen or read here!
On Palm Sunday we sang the following songs:
- Holy, Holy, Holy (God With Us) (by Reginald Heber, Matt Maher arrangement/chorus)
- New Again (by Sojourn Music)
- Hail the Day that Christ Arose (by Charles Wesley, Sovereign Grace Music)
- How Marvelous (Traditional)
- All Creatures of Our God and King (by Sovereign Grace Music)
- Your Love on the Line (by Hillsong Worship)
On Easter Sunday, 4-16-17, Jordan preached on Luke 24:1-12, "The King Secures Victoroy." Listen or read here if you missed Easter, or were serving somewhere during service and didn't hear the message!
Here's our Easter Sunday set list:
- Christ the Lord is Risen Today (Charles Wesley, our arrangement)
- Jesus Saves (by Tim Hughes)
- New Again (by Sojourn Music)
- Happy Day (by Tim Hughes)
- There is a Fountain (by William Cowper, Enfield arrangement, sort of)
- Nothing but the Blood (by Matt Redman)
- Man of Sorrows (by Ellie Holcomb)
- The Victory (by Phil Wickham)
- O Come to the Altar (by Elevation Worship)
- Eternal Praise (by Enfield)