Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Sunday Recap - Christmas Worship!

by Josh Starkey on December 05, 2016

We kicked off our month of Christmas worship yesterday. The room is decorated (a huge thank you to our huge team of volunteers who stuck around last Sunday), and the Christmas carols will keep a'playin for the next four weeks. We hope you'll be here with us each week as we break from the normal worship repertoire, for lots Christmas music and Scripture readings that we pray will help guide our hearts to treasure Christ this season, and to glory in the the Gospel and the true hope and joy that God gave us in His Son. Praise God he gave us a Rescuer, and has not left us in our sin!

Pastor Jordan will continue our Luke series on Sunday mornings through December, which will link up with our Christmas worship gatherings really well. Yesterday he preached on Luke 18:1-8, a message entitled "Don't Give Up; Don't Ever Give Up." Listen or read here if you missed it!

Here's our song set list from the morning:

  1. The First Noel (Trad. English carol, public domain)
  2. Joy to the World/Unspeakable Joy (by Isaac Watts, Chris Tomlin)
  3. O Holy Night (Traditional)
  4. Who Would Have Dreamed (by Sovereign Grace Music)
  5. He Who Is Mighty (by Sovereign Grace Music)

Tags: advent, christmas, music, sunday, sunday recap, worship


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