Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Sunday Recap: 9/24/17, Communion Sunday!

by Josh Starkey on September 25, 2017

Yesterday was a communion Sunday (typically the last Sunday of each month). Jordan led us through a reading of Colossians 1 as we came to the Lord's Table together, talking about how God has transferred us from the domain of darkness to the kingdom of His Son (v. 13).  

Pastor Jordan also preached yesterday from Ezra 1:1-11, in our second week of our Ezra and Nehemiah preaching series. Listen or read here if you missed.

We sang the following:

  1. New Again (by Sojourn Music)
  2. Jesus, Firm Foundation (by Bryan Brown, Jason Ingram)
  3. I Will Boast in Christ Alone (by Hillsong Worship)
  4. The Victory (by Phil Wickham)
  5. Come Thou Fount (Traditional, extra verse by Bob Kauflin)

Have a great week, church fam!

Tags: communion, music, sunday, sunday recap, worship


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