Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Sunday Recap: 8/6/17 (and more!)

by Josh Starkey on August 07, 2017

Well it's been a busy summer, and not just at church! We've had a lot of people gone on vacations, we've had some long-time members of our church family move away in the last few weeks, we've had illnesses and other trials; and on top of that we finished our four-week Renew series last Sunday on 7/30.  In all of this, the summer has been a theater for God's faithfulness, and we're very thankful for how He continues to provide for and build up His church, particularly in this local body of Christians. 

We hope fall routines are taking shape in a good way for everyone. In all the busyness, if you missed any of our Renew nights in July, make SURE you give those a listen. Many of said this might have been their favorite Renew series to-date. We're not totally sure about that, but it was definitely a good one. Head here to listen to those messages!

This past Sunday, Pastor Marshall Walter preached on Romans 12:1-8, answering the question of "How to Find Your Role in the Church." Listen to that message here, along with the rest of our summer morning teaching series on "Being the Church." There's lots more good stuff there for your edification if you missed any of our summer Sundays.

Yesterday we sang the following songs together:

  1. Nothing but the Blood (Traditional, additional chorus by Andy Cherry)
  2. This Is Amazing Grace (by Phil Wickham)
  3. Glory Awaits (by Sovereign Grace Music)
  4. It Is Well (Traditional, additional chorus by Brandon Heath)
  5. Never Once (by Matt Redman)

Thanks for following along with our Sunday worship gatherings! We're praying for you all, and hope your week is Christ-full! 

Tags: music, renew, sunday, sunday recap, worship


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