Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Sunday Recap: 8/27/17!

by Josh Starkey on August 28, 2017

Hey folks! 

If you missed yesterday, head here to read or listen to the 2nd part of Pastor Jordan's teaching series on "Rest." Yesterday he preached Hebrews 4:1-13, and the foundation of our rest, which is the finished, sufficient work of Christ for us. Don't miss out on this series, especially in the busyness of the school year starting, etc.

We've been working to reinforce the rest we need to find in Jesus, by singing into this theme from different angles. Our songs have been focusing on the totality and sufficiency of Christ's work of atonement for our sins, and the security of our adoption, through Christ, as children of God. Yesterday we sang the following:

  1. There is a Fountain (traditional, our own arrangement)
  2. New Again (by Sojourn Music)
  3. Beautiful Scandalous Night (by Derald Daughtry and Steve Hindalong, our own arrangement)
  4. The Victory (by Phil Wickham)
  5. All Creatures of Our God and King (Sovereign Grace Music arrangement)

This coming Sunday pastor Jordan will address the idea of "the Sabbath" in Scripture, and how this applies to us today in the church. Hope to see you there, and that until then you find much rest in Christ this week!

Tags: music, rest, sunday, sunday recap, worship


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