Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Sunday Recap 8-28-16!

by Josh Starkey on August 29, 2016

Yesterday we changed up the order of service a little bit, to keep things interesting. And it allowed us to respond uniquely to the preaching. Jordan preached the 2nd of his three-week sermon series on "Work as Worship." This week was on the roadblocks to worship - idolatry and idleness. And it seemed appropriate to respond by singing. After preachig we took our offering and then sang a big medley of both old and new worship songs. It was a great time, and we hope that both preaching, singing, offering, etc., was all dovetailed into a unified whole. If you were there, great job singing!

If you missed it, you can listen to Jordan's sermon here.

We sang the following songs:

  1. Happy Day (Tim Hughes, Shane and Shane arr.)
  2. There Is A Fountain (William Cowper, Enfield arr.)
  3. Glory Awaits (Sovereign Grace Music)


  1. Chorus of Here I Am to Worship (Tim Hughes)
  2. Worthy, You Are Worthy (Don Moen)
  3. Chorus of You Are My King (Billy James Foote)
  4. Chorus of O Praise The Name (Anastasis) (Hillsong Worship)
  5. Take My Life and Let It Be (Francis R. Havergal)

Tags: songs, sunday mornings, sunday recap, worship


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