Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Sunday Recap: 7/8/18!

by Josh Starkey on July 08, 2018

Hey, we hope everyone's having a great Summer! We're our second week into our summer preaching series, and we kicked off our 2018 Renew nights last night. Listen to Austin Fry's message on Psalm 42 from yesterday morning, and Joe Keller's Renew message on the nations if you missed either.

We also baptized Kyle Hilner yesterday morning, which was a joy. Encourage Kyle when you see him!

Yesterday we sang the following songs:


  1. Glorious Day (by Kristian Stanfill)
  2. All Creatures of Our God and King (Traditional, arrangement our own, with added verses by Sovereign Grace Music)
  3. His Mercy is More (by Matt Boswell and Matt Papa)
  4. My Hope is Built (Traditional)
  5. Satisfied in You (by The Sing Team)
  6. 10,000 Reasons (by Matt Redman)

PM (Renew)

  1. Sooner Count the Stars (by Sovereign Grace Music)
  2. His Mercy is More (see above)
  3. Behold Our God (by Sovereign Grace Music)

Hope your week is Christ-full! We'll see you Sunday!

Tags: church life, music, sunday, sunday recap, worship


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