Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Sunday Recap: 4/15/18!

by Josh Starkey on April 18, 2018

Hey folks,

it's been a great month so far. We've resumed our series in Nehemiah (just 3 more weeks to go!), and we've kept some of our Easter worship running through the last few Sundays post-Easter weekend.

This past Sunday Jordan preached from Nehemiah 9, part 2 of a message entitled "Roots of Revival." Listen or read here if you missed any of it - it's a must-listen! 

We also had David Wreesman up front to give us an update on his family, and their plans to stay in the states for now. Pastor Jordan also gave an update that David will be joining our staff and helping us develop a structure for further training of pastors and teachers. Start praying that God goes before us and does the work on this endeavor!

We sang a lot this week! Here's the song list:

  1. Doxology (Traditional)
  2. How Great Thou Art (Trad., Jason Waller arrangement)
  3. Hymn of the Ages (by Rend Collective)
  4. All Glory Be to Christ (by Dustin Kensrue)
  5. All Creatures of Our God and King (Traditional, additional verses by Sovereign Grace Music)
  6. Behold Our God (by Sovereign Grace Music)
  7. Before the Throne of God Above (Traditional, chorus by Shane and Shane)

Tags: church life, music, sunday, sunday recap, worship


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