Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Sunday Recap: 3/26/17!

by Josh Starkey on March 27, 2017

Hey folks!
Here we are at the last week of March, speeding toward Easter. If you haven't been here at least one of the last couple weeks, Pastor Jordan is continuing to teach through the book of Luke, with a slight twist: he is spending each Sunday from now until Easter on a day of Christ's passion week (the final week of His life on earth), heading toward the cross, and the resurrection. SO, Good Friday and Easter will fall right in with the chronology of the story in Luke this year. It's been very cool so far, to build momentum toward Easter with our normal preaching series. While we're on the subject, save the dates/times for our Good Friday and Easter gatherings - Good Friday communion service, 4/14, 6PM; Easter Sunday worship, services at 8:30 and 10:30AM. 

Yesterday, Pastor Jordan brought another "5 Minutes of 'Why?'" episode, on the topic of "Why men's and women's ministries?" We're working on posting audio and possibly transcripts of these episodes, so stay tuned if you've missed any.

Jordan preached on a long section in Luke, chapter 21 verses 5-36, which is Christ's word about the end times that precede His final kingdom, and His warnings to us to be watchful as we wait. Listen or read here if you missed.

Here is what we sang together yesterday:

  1. The Wonderful Cross (by Isaac Watts, Chris Tomlin, our own arrangement)
  2. Sooner Count the Stars (by Sovereign Grace Music)
  3. Be Thou My Vision (traditional, arrangement and chorus by Ascend the Hill)
  4. I Will Boast in Christ Alone (by Hillsong Worship)
  5. Amazing Grace (by John Newton, traditional)
  6. 10,000 Reasons (by Matt Redman

Tags: 5 minutes of why, music, sunday, sunday recap, worship


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