Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Sunday Recap: 12/18/16!

by Josh Starkey on December 19, 2016

Well, yesterday was our last worship gathering before Christmas Eve! Remember, Christmas Eve service is this coming Saturday night at 6pm, and we'll gather for church the next morning for one service at 10am. Hope to see you there!

Yesterday, Pastor Jordan preached on Luke 18:18-30, commonly known as the "Rich Young Ruler" passage. Listen or read here if you missed, and consider these questions as you apply God's Word to your own heart:

  1. How are you like the rich young ruler, perceiving yourself as good and right with God, and having done all you need to do to be right with Him? In what ways?
  2. What good things, much like the young ruler's wealth, do you tend to make into idols in your life? What would be the thing that Christ might point out to you, that you love too much, and would struggle to give up?

We took communion at the end of service as a response to preaching, and we sang the following songs:

  1. Angels We Have Heard on High (traditional)
  2. Hark the Herald Angels Sing/King of Heaven (Charles Wesley, chorus by Paul Baloche)
  3. KIDS CHOIR: Jesus, Born on This Day (by Avalon)
  4. Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus (Charles Wesley, arrangement by Daniel Renstrom)
  5. Who Would Have Dreamed (by Sovereign Grace Music)

We'll see you Saturday night! Merry Christmas!

Tags: advent, christmas, music, sunday, sunday recap, worship


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