Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Sunday Recap: 12/10/17!

by Josh Starkey on December 11, 2017

We're off to a great start to Christmastime, folks. Pastor Jordan is finishing up the last couple weeks in Ezra, and we'll start Nehemiah in January.  Yesterday, Jordan preached a "part 2" message on Ezra chapter 9, entitled "Confession: Awakening Numb Hearts." Listen or read here if you missed anything! You've got to keep up with this series - some great stuff lately.

Yesterday Jordan also did family/child dedications for the Garcia and Weyandt familes, and we welcomed the Weyandts into membership.

We've been doin' all Christmas worship. Yesterday we sang the following together:

  1. Joy to the World (Austin Stone Church arrangement)
  2. The First Noel (Crowder arrangement)
  3. O Come, O Come Emmanuel (traditional, verse 3 by Sovereign Grace Music)
  4. He Who is Mighty (by Sovereign Grace Music)

Have a great week as you continue your Advent season! We'll see you Sunday!

Tags: advent, christmas, music, sunday, sunday recap, worship


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