Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Sunday Recap: 11/5/17!

by Josh Starkey on November 06, 2017

Our first Sunday morning in November was a great one. First service, Eric Durso baptized Harold Garcia, who shared a great testimony of God's grace in his life, and of how God saved him. If you see Harold, encourage him, and look for Jordan welcoming Harold and Marissa into membership in a couple weeks!

Jordan preached yesterday on the 3rd part of our "preaching pause" on Ezra chapter 7. Yesterday's sermon was entitled "Restore: Always Reforming," and you can listen or read here.  Two more weeks in Ezra, and we'll start Nehemiah. Start reading ahead!

  1. We sang the following yesterday:
    May the Peoples Praise You (by Getty Music)
  2. Before the Throne of God Above (by Charitie L. Bancroft, Steve and Vikki Cook)
  3. How Marvelous (Traditional, Chris Tomlin arrangement)
  4. Nothing but the Blood (by Matt Redman)
  5. A Mighty Fortress is Our God (by Martin Luther, Cedarville Band arrangement)


Lastly, our deepest condolences and our prayers go out to the Christians and the wider community all grieving in Sutherland Springs Texas, after the horrific shooting yesterday at First Baptist Church. It's sobering to to be gathered in worship here, and find out something like that is going on in a worship service at another church, at the same time. These Christians are our brothers and sisters in Christ - we're united in fellowship through the same Spirit of God that dwells in us, so we are also bound together in both joy and grief. We are praying for you, that God brings healing to your church body in Sutherland Springs, and to your community. We know and trust that God is faithful, He is just, and good; and anchored in Christ those Christians killed yesterday morning entered into an infinitely better worship gathering than anything they've been a part of yet.

"Let goods and kindred go, this mortal life also. The body they may kill, God's truth abideth still; His kingdom is forever." - Martin Luther

Tags: baptism, music, sunday, sunday recap, worship


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