Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Sunday Recap: 11/26/17!

by Josh Starkey on November 27, 2017

Yesterday, as you know, Pastor Jordan was away with the Dursos, and several other families from our church, who all went to worship with the Alta Loma church that Eric will be moving to as their lead pastor in the new year. We hear it was a great time out there with the folks at that church - Eric preached well and everyone was mutually encouraged by all the folks who came from our body to be there. Continue to pray for this church revitalization project, and especially for Eric and Ashley Durso and their kids as they make the transition out to this church. If some of this is new information to you, make sure you listen to Jordan's sermon from last week. He talked in detail about this project, the plan and timeline that are in place as of now, as well as several practical ways to pray and actively support this effort!

Danny preached in Jordan's place yesterday, on Psalm 34, a message entitled "Tasting God's Goodness Through His Rescue and Redemption." Listen or read here!

We sang the following together:

  1. New Again (by Sojourn Music)
  2. Blessed Assurance (by Fanny Crosby, chorus by Matthew West)
  3. How Great Thou Art (traditional)
  4. Lord I Need You (by Matt Maher)
  5. Jesus Paid It All (our own arrangement)

Hope you have a great week, church fam!

Tags: music, sunday, sunday recap, worship


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