Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Sing We The Song Of Emmanuel

by Josh Starkey on December 04, 2022

The Advent season helps us dive deep in a unique way, into our relationship with our Savior. It places us squarely between two appearings, or advents, of Jesus, looking back to the first one, and longing for the second. Advent should give us a renewed hope in the wisdom and love of God, and how He purposed to defeat sin and restore us to abundant life in and through His Son. 

We’re introducing this song this first Sunday of our Christmas worship, to call our hearts to a fresh, exuberant hope in Christ. The third verse sends us to “spread the news of Emmanuel,” God with us, Jesus, who came on a rescue mission to bring light to our dark hearts, to die for our sins, and give us His righteousness. The arrival of our Savior gives us a fixed, anchoring hope; the Gospel of Jesus is real, heart-changing good news.

Let’s dive deep this Advent season, and adore our Savior with our singing and with our study; let Him into every part of your life, and long for Him to come again and bring His kingdom to stay in this world. As one pastor has said, “Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, what God has prepared for those who love Him. Do you love Him? Then brace yourself, and sing to a world that needs to brace itself.”

Merry Christmas!


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