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Set Your Minds... (12/19)

by Marshall Walter on December 18, 2013

What Joseph Can Teach Us About Biblical Manhood - Dustin Neeley (The Gospel Coalition): "In this article I want to share five lessons we can learn from Joseph's life about what it means to be a godly man."

Moral Mayhem Multiplied--Now It's Polygamy's Turn - Albert Mohler (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary): "In one sense, the decision was almost inevitable, given the trajectory of both the culture and the federal courts. On the other hand, the sheer shock of the decision serves as an alarm: marriage is being utterly redefined before our eyes, and in the span of a single generation."

How to Make a Confession and Extend Forgiveness - Thabiti Anyabwile (First Baptist Church of Grand Cayman): "This morning I woke up thinking about one of the most helpful and simple set of guidelines for making full confessions of wrongdoing in the hopes of being forgiven and extending complete and joyful forgiveness of the same. It’s called “The Seven A’s of Confession” and “The Four Promises of Forgiveness” published by Peacemaker Ministries."

Can you see now how freeing this verse is? You no longer have to be afraid of people finding out about your sin. You have no need to hide. In fact, as counter-intuitive as it feels when you’re cowering in the dark, worrying about embarrassing yourself and Christianity should your sinfulness become known, it’s only when you're open about your sin that people can see you’re resting on Christ’s work for you, not your own perfection. This is when you glorify Christ the most. Rather than being a source of fear, your sin reveals that God is a truth-teller, for He said that you are a sinner. He said that your sin deserves judgment. He said that you need grace. He said that He’s given it. - See more at: http://str.typepad.com/weblog/2013/11/free-to-say-weve-sinned.html#sthash.Nxm1YkaS.dpuf

The Scandal of the Semi-Churched - Kevin DeYoung (University Reformed Church): "I want to talk about church members who attend their home church with great irregularity. These aren’t unchurched folks, or de-churched, or under-churched. They are semi-churched. They show up some of the time, but not every week. They are on again/off again, in and out, here on Sunday and gone for two. That’s the scandal of the semi-churched."

Tags: neeley, mohler, anyabwile, deyoung


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