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Set Your Minds... (10/9)

by Marshall Walter on October 09, 2013

Evangelism in the Workplace - Ashok Nachnani (9 Marks): You could hardly be blamed for being more fearful. The rapid advance of social liberalism and human resources policies promoting workplace “tolerance” only exacerbate the two fears we commonly cite for not sharing the gospel with our co-workers: fear of social harm and fear of career repercussions, like job loss or career stalls.

10 Tips for Discipling Your Kids - Justin Buzzard (Garden City Church): In our church and in our home we define discipleship as “truth and love transferred through relationship.” Because parenting is just plain crazy and exhausting, and because every parent I know is very busy, I thought it would be helpful to share 10 tips for discipling your kids.

How Pornography Works: It Hijacks the Male Brain - Dr. Albert Mohler (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary): Any understanding of how sin works its deceitful evil is a help to us, and understanding how pornography works in the male mind is a powerful knowledge. Pornography is a sin that robs God of his glory in the gift of sex and sexuality. We have long known that sin takes hostages. We now know another dimension of how this sin hijacks the male brain. Knowledge, as they say, is power.

Cute Baby Videos - Micah Sandowich (Grace Brethren Church): Another link to the Sandowich family and videos of their family!



Tags: nachnani, buzzard, mohler, sandowich


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