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Revitalization: How We're Doing It (Part 4)

by Eric Durso on March 18, 2018

The following post is the second-to-last part of Pastor Eric's series on church revitalization, inspired by the revitalization opportunity God has opened to us at Grace Rancho. Catch up on the earlier posts in the series here:

  1. "Revitalization: Our Moment"
  2. "Why Revitalization?"
  3. "Revitalization: How We're Doing It (Part 1)
  4. "Revitalization: How We're Doing It (Part 2)
  5. "Revitalization: How We're Doing It (Part 3)

The last few posts I've been sharing the methods we've purposed to adopt as we've embarked on this revitalization effort. Here's the last thought on "how we're doing it."

We want this to be obviously the Lord’s work, so that he gets the glory. Ultimately, our greatest concern is not church revitalization. There’s a concern behind that concern, and it’s the concern for God’s glory. We are hoping that there comes a day when there’s a growing and thriving church in Rancho Cucamonga, and that we can hold our hands up and say, “The Lord did this. He opened the doors. He stirred the people. Jobs were changed and houses were bought and sold and kids were transferred to new schools because the Lord was in it. He deserve all the credit.” I said before that the way this has all come together so smoothly may give the impression that there was a masterplan behind it all. We had no such thing - God has done this, is doing this, and will do it. We have been given the highest privilege of participating.

And here’s the fun part. Simply by being a part of Grace Simi you’re a part of this effort. You’ve been swept into it. This is yours as much as it’s mine. Some are on the frontlines, others are in the supply depots, others will stay home to pray and send care packages. But we’re all in the battle together.

The response has been encouraging. Many of you are praying about going. Several men have approached me telling me about their skills and that they’re available to serve. One woman said with a smile on her face, “We can’t go, but we’ve already decided to increase our giving!” Other families have committed to heading out there for a weekend to support the work.

I want to ask you: what will your role be? We need people to go, so will you consider going? We need people to increase their giving, would you be willing to take a look at your budget or bank account and see what you could give? Would you be willing to “pray for this every day” like Jordan asked our staff and elders to do? Most of all, would you take this as an opportunity to evaluate the course of your life, the priorities you’re giving yourself to, and consider whether you need to refocus your energies on the mission Christ has given us? There’s no greater calling than to give ourselves unreservedly to our Great King. To him be the glory.

We'll finish this series off with one more post, that will come to you this week. Stay tuned! And don't miss church this Sunday, 3/25 as we commission Eric and Ashley, and spend time talking and praying together for Grace Rancho. We'll gather together at 9:30am - we hope you can be there!

Tags: church life, church planting, church revitalization, missions


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