Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Recommended Resource: Caring for One Another by Ed Welch PLUS BONUS RECOMMENDATION

by Josh Starkey on May 18, 2020

Anything by Ed Welch tends to hit the mark so well. Welch writes about counseling and relationships in such a way that is gracious, pastoral, and kind, all while working to uncover sin and encouraging repentance. His stuff is consistently and helpfully Gospel-saturated, and what I mean by that is he helps you change by depending on Christ and not on your own ability. So today we want to encourage you to pick up Caring for One Another by Welch. This book offers "8 ways to cultivate meaningful relationships," and is full of helpful reminders and fresh encouragement to build and deepen relationships that are centered on Jesus. And as we're still pressing on in this time of quarantine and social distancing, this will hopefully help fuel our creativity as we continue relationships amidst these weird restrictions. 

BONUS RECOMMENDATION: Welch's A Small Book for the Anxious Heart may be a great encouragement to you especially in our current situation, OR as a gift to anyone you know who may be battling some level of anxiety. Welch helps frame our fears and anxieties in the bigger picture of the rock-solid Gospel of Jesus and the help and comfort our Savior gives us. Don't hesitate on this one if you need some encouragement!

Tags: books, counseling, fear, anxiety, the gospel, book recommendations


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