Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Preparing for Sunday, 9/18/16!

by Josh Starkey on September 16, 2016

This Sunday we jump back into our "Luke: God on Display" preaching series. It was a great time in our four-week series that ended summer, on "Work as Worship." If you missed any of those, make sure you listen through the four weeks. You can do that here.

This Sunday Pastor Jordan will preach on Luke 15:1-10, the parable of the lost sheep. Think through the following questions with us as you read the passage to prepare:

  1. In this passage, what does God and the rest of heaven "rejoice" over? What does Jesus tell us brings joy to God?
  2. This passage along with the rest of the chapter (the parables of the lost coin and the prodigal son), are all intended to expose the wrong attitudes of the Pharisees. What errors does this parable expose, in their situation and in our own today? What about God's heart toward repentant sinners do we share, or not share? Why?

We'll also sing the following songs Sunday:

  1. Mediator (by Ghost Ship)
  2. The Wonderful Cross (by Isaac Watts/Chris Tomlin, our own arrangement)
  3. He is Exalted (by Twila Paris)
  4. Your Love on the Line (by Hillsong Worship)
  5. The Victory (by Phil Wickham)
  6. Man of Sorrows (by Hillsong Worship)

See you Sunday morning! Gatherings at 8:30 and 10:30am.

Tags: music, preparing for sunday, songs, sunday, sunday morning, sunday worship


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