Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Preparing for Sunday, 7/27/14!

by Josh Starkey on July 26, 2014

Hey guys!
We have some good things in store tomorrow in our gathering - hope you'll be there with us. First of all, Danny Lee will be preaching on Proverbs 4:20-27, on the concept of the heart in Proverbs. Follow the link above to read the passage in the ESV ahead of time!

We also have communion tomorrow during service. The command to "do this in remembrance" of our Savior is hugely important for us to obey as Christians. Definitely make a point to be there in the first part of the morning, so as not to miss the opportunity to remember and re-orient ourselves in the atonement of Christ's death for us on the cross.  

Songs we'll sing tomorrow include:
1. Our Song from Age To Age

2. The Wonderful Cross (a faster, different arrangement we'll be trying out!)

3. Jesus Paid it All

4. You Are My King

ALSO, make sure you come back for RENEW at night. We'll be providing dinner at 5:00, with our kids program and our regular teaching session both starting at 6:00. Come for dinner, hang out, and worship and learn. Dr. Ernie Baker will be speaking on conflict resolution, which is one of his specialities. If you'd like, here's a recent article he published (just a couple days ago), on using God's creation when we council ourselves or others with biblical truth. It's very good, and it'll let you get to know Dr. Baker a little bit before tomorrow night.

See you tomorrow!

Tags: sunday, sunday morning, worship, music, renew


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