Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Preparing for Sunday, 1/8/17!

by Josh Starkey on January 07, 2017

Happy New Year, everyone!

Hope routines are setting in in a good way, as we head into our second week of the new year. If you missed last week, listen to Jordan's new year message from last Sunday, New Year's Day no less, by clicking here. He will bring part 2 of this message tomorrow morning, so you don't want to miss out.

A couple more things going on tomorrow in the gathering. First of all, we're back to two services, at 8:30 and 10:30am. And also, Pastor Jordan will be leading us in prayer for Tim and Kim Bohn as they move away - they've been a dear, faithful couple in our church family, so make sure you're here to pray together for them. 

We'll sing the following songs tomorrow:

  1. Our God (by Matt Redman and Chris Tomlin)
  2. Holy (By Matt Redman)
  3. Be Thou My Vision (Traditional, additional chorus by Ascend the Hill)
  4. Your Love on the Line (by Hillsong Worship)

We'll see you there! Remember: back to two services tomorrow!

Tags: music, preparing for sunday, sunday, worship


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