Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Preparing for a Communion Sunday, 4/26/15

by Josh Starkey on April 25, 2015

Tomorrow will be a Communion Sunday for us. As we do this month after month, like me you might need to be reminded again why taking communion together as a church family is so important. Because we need to be brought back again and again to Christ's saving work, and all that it's done for us as God's people. God is brilliant in this - He left us an incredibly simple ordinance, but one that involves all of our senses, really. In taking the bread and the cup as a gathered body of Christians, as we hear the Scriptures read, and our pastor explains the process and reminds us of the warnings, our whole beings are brought into the process, and into engagement with our Savior. It's how God reminds us, body and soul, of the reality of our new life in Christ. It's so simple, but so powerful.

So we'll take communion tomorrow after the first couple of songs. Marshall Walter will lead us through communion, and will also be preaching tomorrow on Hebrews 11:8. Make sure you read the passage ahead of time to prepare.

Songs we'll sing tomorrow include:
1. Our Song from Age to Age

2. Nothing but the Blood

3. You Alone

4. Cannons

See you in the morning! Services are at 8:30 and 10:30!

Tags: communion, music, sunday, sunday morning, worship


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