Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

Prepare for Sunday, 10/13/13

by Josh Starkey on October 11, 2013

Well folks, one of my favorite parts of my job is writing these posts looking ahead to Sunday morning, and writing about what'll happen in our gathering. I hope you have the chance to think ahead this weekend for Sunday morning. We want to make sure we come on Sunday morning ready to participate, not just to be spectators. We're called to gather together, to help each other look to Jesus for endurance in our faith, because He is the Author and Perfecter of it (Hebrews 12:2). So that means every person matters in the local church family. Every voice matters, every bit of fellowship and conversation matters, Every Bible opened during the preaching matters. And there's a loss when one of us isn't there.

Ironic then, that Jenny and I are out of town with the kids this weekend, and we'll miss being there. We feel that loss when we're not a part of the gathering. Eric Durso will be leading the singing with the band, and they'll play the following songs. Take a listen and make sure you're ready to lend your voice!

1. Your Grace Is Enough

I love the pre-chorus of this song, basically a call like you read in the Psalms, asking God to remember His faithfulness toward His people, to remember His promises that He's made to His children. And the great thing is, God IS faithful. We can ask Him to preserve us, and renew our hearts once again in affection toward Him, because He's promised to be faithful. And God doesn't break His promises.

2. How Deep The Father's Love For Us

This is a great modern hymn, that expounds on what Christ accomplished for us at the cross. That it was God's deep love for us that gave Jesus, to make a way for sin to be dealt with. I love that this song includes "It is finished" in the 2nd verse. That's one of the most glorious sentences in Scripture that the work of redeeming us from death and our sin, and bringing us back to God, was finished for good as Christ died on the cross.

3. Behold Our God

This tune calls us to wonder at God in his majesty ("Who has held the oceans in His hand..."), and wonder at the sovereign God who also sacrificed Himself to save us from sin ("Who has felt the nails upon His  hands..."). This song will help us bring together the whole story of Scripture in our singing!

4. You Are My King

A chance to respond to the theology we've sung. That becasue of God's great redemptive work, He is our King, our Lord, our Savior; our comfort in trouble, our hope in a fallen and broken world.

Hope you can make in on Sunday!

Tags: sunday morning, worship, church, music


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