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Passion Week Daily Reading: Wednesday, April 8

by Marshall Walter on April 08, 2020



Even my close friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted his heel against me.
~ Psalm 41:9 ~

Wednesday is often referred to as ‘Silent Wednesday’ as very little activity is recorded on this day. Already this week, Jesus had re-articulated his intent to die as the substitute for mankind, and had noted that the preordained time for this to take place was during the Passover on Friday (Matthew 26:2). Tuesday’s sharp conflict with the Jewish leaders had escalated the situation and their renewed resolve to kill Jesus was a threat to his timing as he was almost certain to be arrested on sight. In light of this, Jesus chooses to ‘lay low’ on Wednesday, avoiding Jerusalem, and likely using the day to make arrangements for the Passover dinner on Thursday evening. This change in his regular routine from teaching in the temple made it difficult for the religious leaders to figure out where he was, thus delaying his arrest until the appropriate time.

However, that didn’t stop the Jewish leaders from connecting with Judas on Wednesday who took advantage of the lull to seek them out. As they plotted to kill Jesus, Judas arrived, and offered to personally deliver Christ over to them. Psalm 41:9 foreshadows this sad moment where Judas, a close friend of Christ, betrayed him. While this action certainly played a part in Christ’s journey to the cross, we will also be reminded tomorrow that it was not the ultimate cause. Christ willingly laid down his life - it was not taken from him. However, this certainly was a distressing day which illustrated the increasing abandonment of Christ by all who were counted as followers and friends. We’ve included Isaiah 52:13-53:12 in today’s reading as it beautifully foretells of Christ who was ‘despised and rejected by men’ as he bore the punishment we so rightly deserved. 

Today’s Readings: [23 verses]
Luke 21:37-22:6
^[Isaiah 52:13-53:12]



***Reading Suggestion: Read slowly and thoughtfully. Each day’s reading has been arranged chronologically, which means for some days there are multiple passages (occasionally requiring some flipping back and forth), please read in the order listed to stay on track. I’ve opted for shorter readings to allow more time for thought and reflection. Avoid the urge to just “get the reading done,” but rather take time to consider and contemplate Jesus this week as the reading takes you through what he experienced each day. I pray this will be an encouragement to you which causes you to more fully appreciate our great Savior - may your love, appreciation, and joy in him continue to expand in this Easter season!

***Resource Suggestion: A Harmony of the Gospels, One Perfect Life 

Tags: easter, betrayal, judas, wednesday, passion week, easter 2020


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