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Passion Week Daily Reading: Thursday, April 9

by Marshall Walter on April 09, 2020



For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life that I may take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from my Father.
~ John 10:17, 18 ~

With the deal inked between Judas and the chief priests, the stage is set for the events which would ultimately lead to Christ’s crucifixion on Friday afternoon. A number of factors came together on Thursday culminating in the death of Christ on Friday, however, through it all we see the active sovereignty of God at work in orchestrating these events. Despite the passionate intention of the Jewish leaders to find a way to get rid of Jesus, in light of Judas’ betrayal, recognizing the increasing lack of support for Jesus from the crowds (and very soon from the disciples), we must understand that these events are exactly in accordance with what had been prophesied. None of this surprised Jesus and none of it was out of God’s control. Jesus’ life was not taken from him, he was not caught in their trap, he was not helpless before his accusers, or unable to deliver himself from the fate of the cross. All authority belongs to him, he controlled his own destiny, and he willingly glorified his Father by going to die.

Jesus shared a sad but enjoyable Passover meal with his disciples on Thursday night. Their intimate dinner was followed by the institution of Communion and instruction related to the New Covenant being established by Christ’s death. After dinner, more teaching occurred as they crossed the Kidron Valley and ascended the Mount of Olives to the Garden of Gethsemane where Christ earnestly prayed for his disciples and entreated them to stay up and pray with him. Though they fell asleep, he prayed on. His impending anguish was overwhelming. The choice, not merely to give up his life, but to bear humanity’s sinfulness, experience the rejection of God the Father, and to suffer the full measure of God’s wrath weighed heavy. Betrayed with a friend’s kiss, abandoned by all who loved him, Jesus continued alone. During Thursday night/Friday morning he would endure six ridiculous trials (three Jewish, three Roman), filled with false accusations, conflicting testimony, inconsistent charges, and unscrupulous judges. Through it all, Jesus remained resolved - he muzzled his power, yielded his rights, remained silent against his accusers, and spoke the truth. He went along willingly - not because it was right, not because he had to, but because he chose to - his life was not taken from him. He laid it down of his own accord.

Today’s Readings: [231 verses]
          ^Luke 22:7-16
          ^John 13:1-17:26
          ^Mark 14:26-42
          ^John 18:2-24
          ^Mark 14:53-72
          ^Luke 22:66-71

***Reading Suggestion: Read slowly and thoughtfully. Each day’s reading has been arranged chronologically, which means for some days there are multiple passages (occasionally requiring some flipping back and forth), please read in the order listed to stay on track. I’ve opted for shorter readings to allow more time for thought and reflection. Avoid the urge to just “get the reading done,” but rather take time to consider and contemplate Jesus this week as the reading takes you through what he experienced each day. I pray this will be an encouragement to you which causes you to more fully appreciate our great Savior - may your love, appreciation, and joy in him continue to expand in this Easter season!

***Resource Suggestion: A Harmony of the Gospels, One Perfect Life 

Tags: easter, passover, sovereignty, new covenant, trials, betrayal, thursday, gethsemane, passion week, easter 2020


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