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Passion Week Daily Reading: Saturday, April 4

by Marshall Walter on April 04, 2020



But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
~ Romans 5:8 ~

Saturday, the day before Palm Sunday, is not your typical starting point for the events of the Passion Week. Usually we jump straight to palm fronds and Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey, but an incredibly sweet moment takes place the night before in Bethany as Jesus gathers with his friends: Lazarus, Mary, and Martha. Mary’s lavish act of devotion at dinner that evening creates a welcome jumping off point for us this week as we consider our own love and appreciation for Jesus. In her interaction with Jesus, we witness a heartfelt response of worship rooted in her understanding of Jesus as her savior. 

Like Mary, as our understanding of who Christ is deepens and we more fully grasp the plight of our sinful condition apart from him, we come face to face with the reality of how desperately we need a Savior. May we respond like Mary this Easter. May our affection and appreciation for Jesus grow abundantly and may our hearts be stirred to worship without reservation - no expense too great, no act too much, no opinion more important than responding to what he has accomplished for us. I pray our knowledge of Jesus deepens this week, that it stirs our affections, and causes the action of our lives to declare, ‘we love, because he first loved us.’

Today’s Reading:
          ^John 11:55-12:11 

***Reading Suggestion: Read slowly and thoughtfully. Each day’s reading has been arranged chronologically, which means for some days there are multiple passages (occasionally requiring some flipping back and forth), please read in the order listed to stay on track. I’ve opted for shorter readings to allow more time for thought and reflection. Avoid the urge to just “get the reading done,” but rather take time to consider and contemplate Jesus this week as the reading takes you through what he experienced each day. I pray this will be an encouragement to you which causes you to more fully appreciate our great Savior - may your love, appreciation, and joy in him continue to expand in this Easter season!

***Resource Suggestion: A Harmony of the Gospels, One Perfect Life

Tags: jesus, easter, passion, easter 2020


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